
Markforged Blacksmith
The adaptive manufacturing platform that connects part design, production, and inspection with a powerful AI.

Closed Loop Fabrication

Fleet Insights in Every Print

Broad Integrations

Blacksmith will enable Markforged 3D printers to account for all variables that can affect a part through closed loop processing - changing how future parts are printed based on scans of previous prints. As Blacksmith leverages federated learning with the world’s largest fleet of connected 3D printers. Manufacturers will be able to print the right part every time bringing resiliency and agility to their supply chains. Adaptive manufacturing technology will expand beyond the X7, enabling corrective actions from Metal and Composite printers.

Blacksmith for the Markforged X7

Trust Your Parts Off the Print Bed

Accessible and Integrated Workflow

Increase Fleet Conformity

Get known good parts at the point of fabrication. Generate, compare, and automatically store quality reports for any part printed with Blacksmith. Integrate regular part inspection into your additive workflow with a single click. No specialized training or complicated inspection equipment needed. Print consistent, predictable parts across a global fleet. Remove any headaches about part variability.

A series of automated calibration procedures is completed to ensure each printer is operating at the high standards required for Blacksmith.

Blacksmith harnesses the power of the X7’s existing integrated laser micrometer and a patented intelligent scanning process to securely measure parts as they are printed.

Blacksmith collects measurement data during the print, and assembles a point cloud for review in Eiger. This point cloud is automatically registered and overlaid on the input STL for comparison.

View the deviation across the part’s geometry, and set tolerance limits to assess part quality. The print report is saved in Eiger and can be referenced at any future date.